Tilex Fullscreen tile expansion library

What is Tilex?

What is Tilex?

Tilex is a JavaScript fullscreen tile expansion library.
It converts <div class="tilex-tile"> into buttons that, on clicking, expand to cover the screen like this one.

How to install?

How to install?

After downloading the files, include them:
<link href=".../css/tilex_v1.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=".../js/tilex_v1.js"></script>

Getting started

Start by adding one of the simplest possible tilex using the following code:
<div class="tilex-tile tile tilex-shared" role="button">
  <div class="tilex-small">
    click me
  <div class="tilex-large">
    <div class="tilex-large-content">
      <div class="tilex-center">
        blah blah blah
  <button class="tilex-close-button">
    <span class="tilex-close-button-text">×</span>
And then required styles:
/* height and width of the tile must be set */
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;
/* Any class starting with tilex-shared would be added to the expanded tile */
  background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, #f6d365 0%, #fda085 100%);
And use the following code to initialise Tilex:
    initTilex(400); //animation takes 400ms


click me
blah blah blah

Adding another style

Doing this just requires creating two different classes tilex-shared-type1 and tilex-shared-type2 instead of simply using tilex-shared for both (which we could if we need only one styling).
<div class="tilex-tile tile tilex-shared-type1" role="button">

<div class="tilex-tile tile tilex-shared-type2" role="button">
We set different styles for the two classes we created:
/* height and width of the tile must be set */

/* Any class starting with tilex-shared would be added to the expanded tile */
  background-image: linear-gradient(120deg, #f6d365 0%, #fda085 100%);
/* Any class starting with tilex-shared would be added to the expanded tile */
  background: linear-gradient(0deg, #a044ff, #6a3093);
  color: #fff;
  border-radius: 75px;
Don't forget to initialise Tilex:
    initTilex(400); //animation takes 400ms


click me1
blah blah blah1
click me2
blah blah blah2
This method of creating new tilex-shared classes can be used to create any number of styles.
Tilex has been made by Harshal Gajjar and is available under MIT License.
Go ahead, create something amazing with it!